While I was waiting in McDonald’s to interview someone I noticed how the place was bright and cheery. Quite a few people were waiting in line and they were visiting back and forth. I noted I was smiling and that I had a feeling of contentment.
I am becoming aware that the lighter the room I’m in, the better I feel. When I go to Menard’s with Farmer, I walk in the door and right into the lighting department. There is a lot of light there and I can feel a physical difference. Perhaps it’s all in my head, but for whatever reason, it affects me.
While I was sitting there I got to thinking about how different places I enter generate different feelings.
For instance, when I walk into Hobby Lobby or Michael’s I get this creative vibe immediately and have to hold myself back from buying another skein of yarn, flowers or other craft projects. I like how it smells
Walking through the doors of Costco or Sam’s I have an overwhelming desire to walk methodically up and down each and every aisle “just to see”. I find comfort there. The samples make the trip even better.
The Salon I patronize for pedicures generally has a lighthearted atmosphere even if I can’t understand what they are saying. I think because I leave looking and feeling better than I entered lends to that.
Now, the dentist office is not a pleasant place to visit. The smell alone creates dread and trepidation.
The Dollar Store is a favorite store for my good friend. She loves to walk the aisles and find this and that. I myself am basically indifferent. I could care less, yet find it somewhat interesting at times.
My response to entering the grocery store depends on my hunger level and how dang cold they have the air conditioning. Also, if they have a coffee shop as I enter seems to help determine my emotions. If it’s a cold rainy day and I am shopping for a special meal, it’s quite enjoyable.
I should wear a bib when I enter Bed Bath and Beyond. It’s like heaven to me. Look at all the “stuff” you can buy to organize, compartmentalize and make pretty. You could bring order to every room in your home. All the kitchen gadgets are sure to make you a better cook. By the time I leave I need to wipe the drool from my chin.
Sensory overload is the best description for Bookstore visits. Oh my, where do I start? I could camp out in each section. If you add a coffee shop then just shoot me.
Walking into church is a total feeling of belonging. It’s like pulling on a pair of heavy socks that are soft and cushy.
Through my front door is a cocoon. It’s warm, safe, happy, comfortable, and fits me perfectly.
Going to my childhood home is a blast from the past. The memories wrap themselves around me within two feet of the front door. The longing to go back and live my life as a child is both sweet and painful. Sweet for the memories and painful that it will never be again.
One of my most favorite places to be is in one of my barns in the middle of my BEBs (Brown Eyed Bossies – cows). The smell of the feed, shavings, and manure mixed with the heat from the BEBs is intoxicating. The soft mooing, the clanking of the gates is music to my ears. There is nothing better than to pull up a pail, turn it over, lean against the wall, close your eyes and just delight in what you hear, smell and feel. I will not be surprised to see BEBs in heaven.
A side note: While finishing this blog we got a call. "Cows are out". I just returned from chasing 25 pregnant cows around the barnyards at 11:00 PM. I have a new "scentsation" of cow poop all over the front of my shirt. It was a nice night for cow chasing though.
I am becoming aware that the lighter the room I’m in, the better I feel. When I go to Menard’s with Farmer, I walk in the door and right into the lighting department. There is a lot of light there and I can feel a physical difference. Perhaps it’s all in my head, but for whatever reason, it affects me.
While I was sitting there I got to thinking about how different places I enter generate different feelings.
For instance, when I walk into Hobby Lobby or Michael’s I get this creative vibe immediately and have to hold myself back from buying another skein of yarn, flowers or other craft projects. I like how it smells
Walking through the doors of Costco or Sam’s I have an overwhelming desire to walk methodically up and down each and every aisle “just to see”. I find comfort there. The samples make the trip even better.
The Salon I patronize for pedicures generally has a lighthearted atmosphere even if I can’t understand what they are saying. I think because I leave looking and feeling better than I entered lends to that.
Now, the dentist office is not a pleasant place to visit. The smell alone creates dread and trepidation.
The Dollar Store is a favorite store for my good friend. She loves to walk the aisles and find this and that. I myself am basically indifferent. I could care less, yet find it somewhat interesting at times.
My response to entering the grocery store depends on my hunger level and how dang cold they have the air conditioning. Also, if they have a coffee shop as I enter seems to help determine my emotions. If it’s a cold rainy day and I am shopping for a special meal, it’s quite enjoyable.
I should wear a bib when I enter Bed Bath and Beyond. It’s like heaven to me. Look at all the “stuff” you can buy to organize, compartmentalize and make pretty. You could bring order to every room in your home. All the kitchen gadgets are sure to make you a better cook. By the time I leave I need to wipe the drool from my chin.
Sensory overload is the best description for Bookstore visits. Oh my, where do I start? I could camp out in each section. If you add a coffee shop then just shoot me.
Walking into church is a total feeling of belonging. It’s like pulling on a pair of heavy socks that are soft and cushy.
Through my front door is a cocoon. It’s warm, safe, happy, comfortable, and fits me perfectly.
Going to my childhood home is a blast from the past. The memories wrap themselves around me within two feet of the front door. The longing to go back and live my life as a child is both sweet and painful. Sweet for the memories and painful that it will never be again.
One of my most favorite places to be is in one of my barns in the middle of my BEBs (Brown Eyed Bossies – cows). The smell of the feed, shavings, and manure mixed with the heat from the BEBs is intoxicating. The soft mooing, the clanking of the gates is music to my ears. There is nothing better than to pull up a pail, turn it over, lean against the wall, close your eyes and just delight in what you hear, smell and feel. I will not be surprised to see BEBs in heaven.
A side note: While finishing this blog we got a call. "Cows are out". I just returned from chasing 25 pregnant cows around the barnyards at 11:00 PM. I have a new "scentsation" of cow poop all over the front of my shirt. It was a nice night for cow chasing though.