Labor Day, yet, another man made holiday. And, this one was created from fear. - check out how Labor Day started.
In my opinion there are two man made holidays worthwhile; Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. Otherwise, Christmas and Easter are the holidays that have value.
As far as I am concerned Labor Day is just another day for someone to get paid for doing nothing. We wonder why so many have entitlement mentality.
Are these paid holidays a burden for some of the small businesses that are struggling already?
What’s the point? You work for me. You get paid to work. Why should I pay you extra just because the words Labor Day adorn the calendar?
I guess I’m sounding grumpy, but every time I turn around I hear or see how someone is getting something for nothing. People won’t get a job at McDonald’s because they can make more from unemployment. Injuries appear out of nowhere so some can sit home and play video games until it’s time to cash their disability checks.
I am not heartless. If someone is truly hurt, then let’s help get them back on their feet.
Maybe it’s because here on the farm we work so hard. We eat dirt and dust and put in 16 hour days.
How many unemployed people would trade their check to work in the poop?
How can some people just take a hand out week after week and hold their heads up?
There is something extremely gratifying in working hard, accomplishing a task and getting paid.
Where in the world did we go wrong?
On top of that, it seems the people who have become successful and have a measure of wealth are targeted and proclaimed as gluttons and should share their wealth. Why? They worked and created a lifestyle. I say good for you! Jealous? Nope.
What do you think? Should you get something for nothing? - check out how Labor Day started.
In my opinion there are two man made holidays worthwhile; Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. Otherwise, Christmas and Easter are the holidays that have value.
As far as I am concerned Labor Day is just another day for someone to get paid for doing nothing. We wonder why so many have entitlement mentality.
Are these paid holidays a burden for some of the small businesses that are struggling already?
What’s the point? You work for me. You get paid to work. Why should I pay you extra just because the words Labor Day adorn the calendar?
I guess I’m sounding grumpy, but every time I turn around I hear or see how someone is getting something for nothing. People won’t get a job at McDonald’s because they can make more from unemployment. Injuries appear out of nowhere so some can sit home and play video games until it’s time to cash their disability checks.
I am not heartless. If someone is truly hurt, then let’s help get them back on their feet.
Closing the Ag Bag at 11:00 PM finishing a 17 hour day. |
Maybe it’s because here on the farm we work so hard. We eat dirt and dust and put in 16 hour days.
How many unemployed people would trade their check to work in the poop?
How can some people just take a hand out week after week and hold their heads up?
There is something extremely gratifying in working hard, accomplishing a task and getting paid.
Where in the world did we go wrong?
On top of that, it seems the people who have become successful and have a measure of wealth are targeted and proclaimed as gluttons and should share their wealth. Why? They worked and created a lifestyle. I say good for you! Jealous? Nope.
What do you think? Should you get something for nothing?