My Many Mugs of Moos

I just finished a small brochure for our farm to hand out on our farm tours. I thought you might be interested in a few snipets I included.

Farm Facts for 2011:

Total number of cows:1500

Number of milking cows: 700

Bulk Tanks (milk tank) capacity: 4,000 gallons and 2,000 gallons – picked up daily
A gallon weighs 8.35 pounds.
Number of calves: 953 with 67 sets of twins.

Average # of cows’hooves trimmed a month: 120 cows times 4 = 480 hooves

Number of cows sold:320

Gallons of manure in the slurry store: 1.3 million gallons and 2.3 million

Average pounds of manure created per cow per day: 60 pounds
Acres of corn: 650 – every ear of corn has an even number of rows.
Also, 1 square mile is 640 acres.

Acres of hay: 425

Number of Harvestores (blue silos): 14 – Our three tallest Harvestores are 110 ft. Each weighs 74,000 lbs., has 22 rings, 198 sheets, 17,000 bolts and was constructed by a 7 man crew.

Number of employees: 17 full time, 2 - ? part-time depending on time of year

Number of cats: too many
Number of flies: you don’t want to know

And I wanted to share with you some of my BEBs. Like people we look similar, yet we are unique.

So here are my Many Mugs of My Moos!

Ninety Degree Nonsense

Amazing Corn Facts from our Farm 6-20-12