It was a hot lazy Sunday afternoon. I looked out the window through the sweat dripping from my brow. "Crap" I thought. "Is that really a calf out or is it just a mirage?"
Farmer had a plan. "You go this way and I'll come around the other side of the house. Just go slow and easy, he's too fast to chase."
I determined that waiting under the shade tree, capturing the culprit on camera was a less "sweat worthy" option.
There's Farmer, calmly talking him into turning around and heading back into the barn.
And, he's off. He's thinking "go back into that hot barn or kick my heels up in the great outdoors." No brainer there.
Once he was around the back side of the barn I was instructed to "be at the ready" he'll be coming around your side.
"Hey, you weren't here the last time I rounded this corner."
It was time to put the camera down and wrangle the rascal back into the barn. Once we had him in the barn we put him back in his pen.
The view out the back barn door. No wonder he wanted out.
We found this little guy in a wooden box. He was just too cute not to show off.
After the calf was "secure" we walked down to the shop to get the truck. Once in the truck we rounded the corner and headed home. I happened to take a glance at the barn and that silly "secure" calf was out again. Farmer needs to improve his "securing" procedures.
We drove back to the barn and talked him back into the barn where we just shut both large doors.
We left the "securing" duties to Son #2 to take care of when he got home.