It’s funny how you can be sailing through life and a gust of wind will come up and blow you off course.
But, did it blow you off course, or correct your path?
How do you decide if the change is for you or a distraction from where you were headed? Especially if others who have followed the new direction has suffered? Does that mean you will automatically fall if you follow? Or, can you be the exception?
As a believer in God and that God directs your path, do you just assume that everything that comes your way is from him? Or, is it a temptation to pull you away from your destiny?
When are the questions wisdom and when are the questions fear?
Farming is a way of life that could be lived with fear as a roommate if you allowed. Selling, buying, planting, harvesting – when, with what equipment are just a few of the arguments that dance with fear and opportunity.
But, what if that opportunity is far outside your realm of knowledge? What if you can totally see this new project or commitment as a great, wonderful possibility and at the same time see it as a means to bring pain, chaos and trouble?
Life is a continual motion of change. There is no way to live with your feet planted so firm that you don’t step out into a new domain.
A new territory is presenting itself. A new possibility.
A good thing or not so good thing could be just ahead.
Time will tell.
My feet are ready to dance ahead and the boat is ready to trim the sails and chart a new course.
If the wind blows in a new direction, you will hear about it. If the air is still and calm and we slide into the wake from a previous trip, then we will have a great time sailing.