When I laid in the pool this was the view I enjoyed.
With mixed emotions Mr. Spruce met a timely death.
If you notice, the tree is right beside the pool. And over the years we have had enough needles fall into the pool, get caught in the filter and litter the deck which makes walking barefoot a very unpleasant activity, to produce a hardness to close my eyes and chop it down.
For years I threatened. Yet, each year I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But then, this spring I reached my limit of pulling needles out of feet and a whole new body part. Under my fingernail. I was wiping off the table and the needles jammed up under my fingernail which just about brought me to my knees. That was the final straw (or needle).
So, with the help of a good friend, he and Farmer did the deed.
A rope was tied to the top part of the tree and attached to our tele-handler. Farmer kept the rope taunt.
Jack cut a wedge in the side of the tree.
Then as he cut the tree down Farmer added some pressure to the rope.
Once the tree started to fall Jack made a quick escape and Farmer stopped pulling.
I was gone when happened. When I came home and out the back door to the deck and this was my first close up view. I was sad.
It was a necessary evil. The tree was also messing up the roof and side of the house.
The tree was around 40+ feet and now is a huge clean-up project.
I still have mixed emotions (it's a tree for crying out loud!) about this. I know it will be a much more pleasant time and less work around the pool.
Also it will open the view to the fields where we can watch the deer and coyotes play.