Is it?
There’s a lot of hype, fake advertising and emotions around Christmas time.
Commercials showing the perfectly decorated house, amazing family dinners and family reunions that bring tears to the most stalwart person.
I think we need to be a little careful with our holiday cheer and effervescent joy.
There will be empty chairs at the dinner table this year for the first Christmas of many. Whether they are overseas in harm’s way, paying for their mistakes in prison or death has taken them.
Chemo will be traveling through fearful veins.
Children will be hovered over in the hospital by prayerful parents.
I think of the farming families that don’t have to get up early to do chores because their farm is gone. I will guarantee you a few would give anything to roll out of bed and head out to the freezing barn to care for their critters. Even the kids wouldn’t mind having to hold off Christmas until after chores.
Mothers and fathers wistfully watch out their windows for wayward sons and daughters to return. What better time than this, they think.
Children will be “shared” by parents this year instead of the way “it used to be”.
While the reason for the season is perfect, the season itself can be a painful reminder of the realities of life that this season tries to cover up, if just for a few days.
As you travel through these last days shopping, gathering together, lunches etc. please be mindful of those around you. If you notice someone a little less joyful or some rudeness leaks through realize there may be some serious pain causing it.
Take a moment to pray for that situation as you move from their pain into your place in the season.
Perhaps you are one of those whose pain is magnified because of the Christmas carols, the colored lights and bright wrapping paper. Please know there are many others sharing your pain and others who would love to be able alleviate it even though that is impossible.
We all need to keep our “Merry and Bright” attitude and actions mindful of those around us. We may need to dim it down and offer Comfort and Care.