It was a beautiful fall day. Or maybe it was a summer day. No, I think it was spring. Anyway, it was a beautiful day and I was coming home from the bank. No, the grocery store . . . Anyway, I was coming home.
I drove through the beautiful countryside and was asked politely by light language to pull over.
I put my window down as the officer approached my vehicle. I’m thinking “Crap, I must have been speeding.” There was a time in my life I did speed - on purpose. Now, I truly, honestly try to follow the speed limit – with the given 5 -8 mph bump that everyone goes by.
Here’s the convo:
Officer: Are you in a hurry and where are you headed?
Me: No, not really just on my way home.
Officer: Did you realize you were going above the speed limit?
Me: No, I was listening to a book on CD and just heading home.
Officer: What are you listening too?
Me: This – I held up Sara Palin’s autobiography. I love to listen and read bios of anyone and it was at the time she was running for VP.
Officer: How is it?
Me: Very interesting.
Officer: Can I have your license and registration please.
Me: Sure, um, if I can find it. – The license part was easy; the registration was buried in the glove compartment with a lot of dead useless registrations.
Officer: Thanks, give me a minute and I’ll be right back.
After a short time, he came back and gave me my cards and said to please slow down and take it easy.
I thanked him and told him how much I appreciated him and what he did.
And, that was that I thought. I got caught but no one will know. I watched the few cars that went by while I was stopped and didn’t recognize anyone. Safe from Farmer’s chastisement!
The next Sunday at dinner Son #2 said “Did you get a ticket the other day?”
“Crap, he must have seen me” I thought.
Me: “No, why, did you see me?”
Son: #2 “No, I was running late going to the chiropractor and got pulled over. When I gave him my license, he asked me if Diane was my mother. I told him yes, why? And he said he stopped you earlier in the day.”
Me: “Did you get a ticket”? Part of me was wishing he did so I could feel and tell him how special I was to that nice police officer.
Son#2 “Nope, he just told me to slow down.”
So, while I thought I had escaped the glare of chastisement I was completely entertained by the process. We all had a good laugh.
Last summer Son #2 had his dog and litter of pups out in our yard when that same officer went down our road. He made a U-turn in our farm driveway and stopped to chat and see the puppies.
He and the other officer that regularly are in our area has stopped at the farm when Farmer was near the road. They stop and chat and ask how things are going occasionally.
Can I say how much I appreciate these guys? Not only the fact that they are extremely nice and interested in us but the fact that they put themselves in the path of possible danger every day.
I’ve always said it takes a special person to want to farm and put up with all the hardships as well as enjoy the blessings.
I think it takes a very special person to become a police officer. The “stuff” they have to put up with, the disrespect, the danger.
My niece and nephew are police officers in Flint. I have a grandson pursuing education to become a police officer. We pray for them on a daily basis as well as all police officers and military. I’m so grateful for what they do to keep my world as safe as they can.
I am especially thankful for our area officers that keep my “bubble” a great place.
As you go about your day, pay attention to the ease in which you travel and find a grateful spot in your heart for them. Pray for them. Thank them.
Also, perhaps we should think about and maybe adjust that 5-8 mph bump. Just sayin’