The dark shadow was back. The shadow swept over from the wings of the black object that flew over. Those who shared the same heart could see. They exchanged hopeless glances.
Every time it came it was accompanied by a sick feeling. No one new when it would arrive, how long it would stay or how dark it would become.
The first few times the darkness flew over it was brief and fleeting. Some even missed seeing it. Those the closest could feel the heat of the sun diminish.
The object of the darkness saw it coming and wanted to know from those who shouldered with him, his heart holders, if there was something to thwart the darkness.
There were a few weapons used and it did hold the shadows back for a while.
Soon the shadows while they may not have been blatantly observant, were constantly hovering nearby. The core that were connect through the heart saw the shadow advancing and then retreating, then advancing again. As days went by the advancement became more forceful. The boundaries between the light and the darkness were broken.
The heart holders watched helplessly as the sun became elusive.
Every now and then there would be a stretch of sunshine. It was such a light joyous feeling for everyone. And then like a summer storm the cloud would appear and block out the sun.
The heart holders are always on the lookout for the sunshine. They long for the sun to shine again but know that there is a limited amount of sun left to shine.
There are many heart holders out there that are trying to live within the shadow and pray for the light.
Taking time to recount the sunny days is a joyful, arduous task that takes work but results in some artificial sunshine for the heart holders and the victim.
From one heart holder to another, I pray you find some sunshine within the darkness and find joy even so.
While no one can conquer the darkness, heart holders can learn to have moments of victory even within the darkness of dementia.