A precious note from my Dad.
Technology is great yet, a thief.
I had a little time on my hands and decided I should go through some “stuff” – you know the things you don’t want to throw away yet don’t know what to do with. I’m at the stage in my life that I realize someday, hopefully a long time from now, my kids will be dealing with all my “stuff” and the less they have the more they will appreciate.
I dug into the bottom drawer of my desk where miscellaneous things are kept. I found a large stack of cards. And, my oh my. There were the expected birthday, anniversary and Mother’s Day cards. Then there were “historical” notes and thank you cards. “Historical” because it marked special times in my life.
The special notes from my kids and grandkids. As the years went by more names of grandkids were added at the bottom of the cards. And precious notes from my Daddy. He is the best note writer ever. Every time we went back home to visit he would leave notes when he left for work. His handwriting is getting pretty shaky so notes are replaced with words.
Reading the cards brought me back to wrestling tournaments and bleachers with parents of other wrestlers. The cheering, the congratulations, the consoling. All the bags of food and drinks hauled in on Saturdays. And, the eventual trip to state competition.
Cards from other football moms. Even notes from other players reminding me I was their second mom during the season. Thank yous for all the food we brought in for the Thursday night team dinners. A special note from one of the moms who is now in heaven. Never did I think at that time that a few short years later one would be missing.
Notes to me as a second mother from overseas where he served. He fought in the most hellish times and came home safely.
The treasure is to pick up, hold and read. The physical weight adds to the value of the written message. Seeing the handwriting knowing they picked up pen and spent time placing their feelings on paper and went through the trouble of sending it in the mail increases the worth.
While going through them I realized how technology steals the value of the handwritten, paper carrying words.
Time to find that fun, pretty stationary, stock up on general cards and start putting pen to paper and share my heart with others.