It’s a well-known fact that as women grow older their eyebrows disappear. I’ll get back to that in a minute.
I’ve been a dog person ever since forever. We’ve always had a dog in the house. For a few years we had three.
Until a few days ago all dogs in my life were grand dogs. They are here off and on and often. I know I’m the favorite person for many of them. I just wanted a dog that belonged to me.
So, Max.
Now, Farmer wanted nothing to do with it and I basically said I was gonna get one whether or not he wanted one. I knew/know that he will warm up to him – he’s a sucker for puppies. Basically, it wasn’t about the dog, he just didn’t want to deal with all the training etc.
Since Max is my dog, I get to do all the training. He’s very smart and fairly easy to train but there are just some things that overtake him. Like trying out every imaginable object he can get his teeth on.
When he’s in is full on exploring, playing mode I have to be two steps behind him. There are toys in every room of the house to replace a “no-no” item he chooses to chew.
Back to the eyebrows. He will stick close to me for a while and then he’s off to the races. While preparing for public – you know make-up, hair etc. he will play in the bedroom for a while. Once the time in the bedroom expires he takes off. Thus, the one eyebrow at a time. It is pure folly to think I could do both eyebrows before checking on him. Therefore, one eyebrow at a time, one eye shadow, mascara etc. at a time.
I know this will all pay off once he becomes the beautiful dog that will be by my side. I’m actually getting great returns on him now. He’s a lover for sure. But for a while, it will be one eyebrow at a time.