This picture is from Christmas morning. This is Son #2 and I heading to the calf barn to take care of calves that morning. Daughter-in-law #2 and Granddaughter #2 were helping also. Farmer and Grandson #2 were salting, plowing and pulling out a stuck tractor at the North farm. We also had feeders, scrapers and milkers busy that morning.
Sometimes when I share things I’m concerned some will think I’m looking for sympathy or a pat on the back. Nope, not really. It’s just that – We don’t know what we don’t know – about everything.
Also, there’s a lot of misinformation coming from people with agendas – some hidden, some blatant, all false and self-serving.
I want the truth about things – even if it makes my preconceived ideas wrong and I have to stand back and re-evaluate.
I have learned that if I want information about a certain illness I don’t consult a sports figure. If I need relationship advice I don’t seek out a celebrity.
Gleaning information and advice from the people who are knee deep in the situation has proven to be the best source.
As a farmer, I gain nothing by falsely telling our story. I gain nothing by only painting a pretty picture. Nor do I gain by strolling by with my violin seeking to stir your heart strings. It benefits nothing.
I do hope to stir up curiosity within your mind. I also hope to garner consideration and appreciation when purchasing food and other goods. And questions, yes questions. But please bring the questions to those who are living it, who depend on it, who are called to it.
I hope by visiting my blog site or my face book page – A Farm Wife that you become filled with questions. And I will do my best to answer – I will call on other farmers for the things I don’t experience.
So, what is it you don’t know?