Food - It's No Joke

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So, I made the mistake of turning on the Oscars last night just before going to bed. Had it on for 10 minutes.

"The Joker" - won't give him the space for his name gave his acceptance speech.

In part he said: "We feel entitled to inseminate a cow. When she gives birth, we steal her baby. Even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable. And then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and cereal.”

Oh, my – so much here. And then reading responses on social media from “ordinary” people who think they know what the heck goes on with farming.

It’s a sad and dangerous state that we are in when a person who gets paid to pretend is listened to as an expert when it comes to food supply. Food supply – a source of great importance for every human on earth. We turn to follow the uneducated, sometimes hypocritical non-source over someone who spends their entire life actually in the act of providing.

What will it take for us to wake up?

Lack of food? Going hungry? Prices out of control?

Food is too easy, too cheap, too unappreciated, undervalued and coming to a point where it will be a fragile commodity if we continue to turn our ears to those who don’t know, those who have hidden agendas to seduce you to their camp to capture your money, to the arrogant and prideful. Some of these have never set foot on soil used to feed them. They’ve never worked a day in the field of their self-proclaimed expertise. They wouldn’t know a cow from a bull.

It’s time for us to wake up before it’s too late.

The earth was created for man. Yes, we need to take better care of it. Creation and creatures provide us with a life to be lived. Somewhere along the line things got flipped, reversed. Along with that common sense was thrown out.

As a farmer, someone who has given up a lot, it is troubling. Yes, farmers sacrifice to provide. Yes, it’s our choice which doesn’t negate. Watching as we consumers listen, observe and drink the Kool-Aid of the entitled spouting ignorance is becoming more and more concerning.

What will it take? The last thing farmers want to do is to stand in the center of disaster and say, “we told you so”.

Please, please no matter what you are reading, listening to, consider the source. Then research the source behind the source.

We are in days where speaking lies, creating false facts is a common acceptable act.

It’s time to get our heads out of the sand, out from under the covers and pay attention.

Enjoy every last morsel of food you eat as a privilege.

I pray food will never become a state of insufficiency.



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