Why the milk? Because they were good sports to help me with a project I had - Cheers to Farmers.
Community – is a group of people who share something in common. You can define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. You need a bunch of people who are alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or interpersonal connection.
Last night we went to a dinner for our Township Fire Department. We were invited because Farmer is on the fire board. Our local firefighters, wives and local police were there.
To some, Township Fire Departments are no big deal.
To us, they are family that we hope never come to our house – unless they are invited for dinner.
A few years ago, Son #4 was on the fire department for this township and an adjoining township. With his back issues he had to make the decision to leave.
It’s funny how when you aren’t personally involved with something you take it for granted, don’t pay much attention or give it the value it deserves.
Some will think, “It’s just a small township fire department. Compared to big cities it is small potatoes. After all they are volunteer.” I’m not sure how the volunteer fire department was structured in the past but I know there is more than showing up and saying “I’m in.”
There is schooling, training and while there is some pay involved it is only when on duty. Most of our guys have full time jobs all around the community and beyond. No matter where they are, when the alarm goes off, our township is their first priority.
It just so happened that during the dinner an alarm went off. Radios were lifted to ears; they listened a few seconds and then up and out of the room they went. One of the stations were called to assist another township with a fire.
And there sat their wives with empty chairs.
How many dinners, parties, bedtime rituals with kids, sports events and more have developed a vacancy because these men put others first?
You all know that commercial – Like a good neighbor . . . . Well another version could be – Like a good neighbor the Township Fire Department is there.
Since Farmer has been involved I’ve made cookies a few times for their meetings. It’s time to do it again and more often. After all, if I’m part of this community, I want to be an active part.
Blessings and prayers of safety for our Firemen and Police that are tucked away in the community we live.