Not all greys are created equal.
Why does Blooming Idiot come to mind when I see his name?
Yet, another, elitist feels the need to enlighten the lower level of humanity about certain things. I’m thinking he has way too much grey matter – it must be crowding out his area in the brain that needs to be used to think.
“Anybody, even those in this room — no offense intended — can be a farmer. It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put the seed in, you put dirt on it, add water, and up comes the corn,” Bloomberg said. “You could learn that.”
“Now comes the information economy … it’s built around replacing people with technology, and the skillsets you have to learn are how to think and analyze. And that is a whole degree level different.”
He concluded by saying that you have to have “a lot more grey matter.”
And, if we want to replace people with technology, as he suggests, I think we could come up with a piece of lead to replace him. A grey object with a grey foot sticking out of an orifice – your choice.
Some adjectives for grey from the thesaurus include: hoary, aged, dreary, drab, dull and uninspiring. So, used in a sentence you could write. His grey grey matter is overrated.
I’m amazed that us farmers with so much extra room in our head due to lack of brains can do what we do.
Apparently it is just dumb luck that we ran a multi-million dollar business and survived the worst year in a very long time this past year.
Maybe it’s coincidence that in 1940 a farmer fed 19 people and in the 2000s we feed 155.
How is it 2% of the population feeds the other 98% - happenstance?
According to Mr.B we have less grey matter than he does. That might be why all our heart matter overflowed into our brain and caused us to travel 1000s of miles to other farmers to bring them needed supplies after wildfires and flooding stripped them of their livelihood.
He can keep his grey matter; I prefer our hearts’ overflow.
Thankfully, I squeezed all my grey matter into this article instead of the color filled words that are fighting for prominence.