My aunt, uncle and mom - 2 years ago. We are bless to continue to have them with us. Don’t be the selfish one that takes that away.
If you are someone not heeding the “stay home” and other practices during this COVID-19 event, please take a moment to consider:
I’m not a fear filled person for the most part. I’m not concerned about contracting the disease for my health.
BUT . . . pay attention here.
The reality is that this extremely contagious, hard hitting virus is spreading faster than mankind can control (if you didn’t realize this, then there are more problems to address). There are mixed feelings about it such as:
It’s just a virus, the flu is a virus that kills people too.
Not everyone dies, just the weak.
I have faith in my God so I don’t need to be concerned.
I am crippled by the fear and can hardly cope.
I don’t want to be an alarmist but truth be told I’m really scared.
I don’t believe it, I’m young, I’m going to go out and enjoy life.
I saw an interview by a pastor that said he and his congregation will continue to meet no matter what the request is. They have a “right” and no government can tell them what to do. Their God is big enough to protect them and complying to the overall health issues shows lack of faith.
To that pastor I say – you have given every unbeliever one more reason not to trust Christianity or the church. Shame on you. Take your butt off your ivory throne and show some compassion. Even if you have enough faith to keep yourself free of the virus, that doesn’t mean others you come in contact will. You could be carrying the virus in your “holier-than-thou” body.
To those who don’t want to face the seriousness of this illness and ignore the recommendations to keep themselves and others safe by going out and about, shame on you!
Yes, you may be so full of good health and young body cells that you are at low risk. Yet, you may come in contact with someone who isn’t. I have some young, totally healthy looking friends that are the picture of health yet have been fighting cancer or have an unseen immune system disorder. You who have chosen to ignore safety measures are putting that young woman who just beat breast cancer in danger. You are placing her children in line for not having their mother tuck them in at night, read stories, play outside, sooth their fears, etc.
Mothers will lose children, Husbands will lose wives, Brothers and sisters will be taken away from each other. Death – irreversible, can’t ever be the same again, will take babies, grandparents, friends and you may be the cause. Can you live with yourself knowing your carelessness has caused a mother’s arms to be empty, the chair at the table unoccupied?
The illness is getting to the point where they will have to make the hard decision on who will get treatment and who won’t. Do you want your grandfather to be the one told “sorry, with your age and underlying issues you aren’t able to use the resources we have because we are in short supply?” How would you feel if your carelessness and actions caused this?
Yes, we all get it – you are not afraid, you have plenty of faith to keep you safe. Stop your self-centeredness while this is going on.
Every single doctor, nurse, health practitioner and any other medical personnel are fighting for you. They are leaving their families and enter into the pits of this disease. Some are concerned about bringing it home. Others aren’t even going home. After you ignore the restrictions and you become sick, they will care for you as if you were mature enough to have heeded the requests and done your part to help.
For crying out loud people. It ain’t that hard! Ya’ll whine about going to work and not having time to relax. Here you go!
I know it’s a difficult task to stay home in your warm home, watch TV, cook the food so easily available for you from farmers across the country, read books, putz around in your yard. I know, I know it’s so so hard.
Yet consider how hard it will be for the single mother to provide because daddy died from this. How hard will it be for Grama to live on her own without her lifelong partner to help? How are will it be to clean out the closet of your brother or sister who didn’t make it.
Life will go on. Your actions will determine the quality. If you think you are so important you need to ignore being careful, let me tell you – you aren’t. Your life has no more value than anyone else on this earth.
Be a good human.
Stay home.
Pray for this to end.
Call, write, text, connect with others.
Just be what you would want others to be if you were the vulnerable, at risk person.
Stay safe, wash your hands, stay home.