Well, here we are again. Another low blow to the milk prices. We are down $3.00 per hundred weight from last month.
What does that mean? Well here’s some math. We ship 100,000 pounds a day. Divide by 100 and multiply by $3.00 – yep, $3,000.00 less a day.
So, that means trying to figure out how to survive. We were just getting to the point of starting to catch up. We will dip back into our line of credit, savings and any other form of $$$ we can find.
It is disheartening to say the least.
When I saw the price on our check while in the office, I knew I needed some Jesus time.
So, out on the lawn mower I went. There’s something about fresh air, no distractions and Jesus that settles the soul.
While I was listening, I heard. “You’re still here”. And, that’s a profound truth. Many other farmers had to make the choice to close the barn doors. And, many will have to decided that still.
As I was mulling over the “You’re still here” message I pondered. Is that enough?
Is it enough to just be “still here”?
For me, for now, yes.
Until God digs the farming DNA out of our spirits we will be “still here” as long as we can.
Also, in spite of the “facts” concerning farming and our future . . .
I still believe that This is a Set-up for God to Show-Up.