I dislike, no loathe, no hate – yep hate Mother’s Day.
Because I know the honor, the love, the joy, the value of being a mother.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my children. And, there are childless women who would do anything to have, recover, or reconnect with a child.
Mother’s Day is like rubbing broken cement shards into an open wound for many women. And, men for that matter.
Men who have lost their mother or partner who is a mother to their children. It’s a reminder of what was and will never be again.
Many women who have been duped into abortions are mourning their decision and wondering what life would be like now had they chosen to give birth.
Some women are counting the miscarriages in their heads. They are figuring out how old each child would be today.
The flowers given to some mothers will be taken and placed on the grave of their lost child(ren).
To make matters worse, there are women carrying the title “Mother” that do not and will never deserve that honored title.
Genital nor a birth canal should determine Motherhood. There are many fathers who are filling that precious spot in a child’s life. Second marriages bring better mothers, grandmothers rescue and replace mothers. There are schoolteachers, bus drivers, neighbors, pastors – men and women who step in and step up for many children.
The enemy of your soul will try to speak to women today convincing them they could have done better. They should be doing better. They will never be good enough as a mother.
This will be the last Mother’s Day for some and because of an invisible enemy it is keeping families apart. Unless God erases this virus it will always be with us. Yet, we are allowing a figure head of our political system to shame and drive us apart with fear.
For those who have not fulfilled the role of Motherhood in the way you desired, for those of you who have stepped up and became a Mother for others, and for those of you with empty arms for whatever reason I honor you.
If you are honoring your mother today, please be reminded there are 364 other days of the year she deserves your attention. If you are waiting for, or only paying attention to a man-made day on the calendar, I pray you adjust yourself.
And, why can I so easily speak this? One reason. God has given me four wonderful sons who daily, yes daily bless me with words and acts of kindness. This is the reason why I know the value of Motherhood and 1000% hate a day that brings pain to those who don’t.