We are one day closer today than yesterday. Yet, how many days?
How many days until we can resume what used to be our “normal” life.
How many days until we take back our liberties from an unknown killer? Yes, it’s a killer – just like drugs, alcohol, car accidents, or guns in the wrong hands. You don’t see anyone taking cars, alcohol or guns away do you? Oh, wait a minute, “they” are trying to take away guns.
Apparently, we can handle the huge machines traveling at breakneck speeds a few inches away from each other and we are trusted with mind altering drugs whether it be weed or alcohol.
In fact, they are considered essential but keeping your family run, family dependent business is not. But, we are not capable of dealing with an illness that is similar to other viruses in many locations. Maybe more than we know if and when we ever get the truthful data.
When did we become so needful of having our lives dictated by part of a community of experts that can’t agree?
Don’t get me wrong and “edit” my words “by mistake”. Yes, there is a virus out there and yes, it kills. Yes, we need to heed warnings and be wise. But, we also have a right to question and have the answers hold up to scrutiny. Not, just because a figure head says so.
If the facts and figures could hold up the guidelines, then why are they being skewed?
I’ve done some investigating – we should all try it. I was trying to get information concerning our business in case we had Covid issues. The government CDC guidelines do not always line up with local state guidelines. Even some counties take liberty. For instance when questioning a health official from the department of health at a county level, I was told – An employee who has been tested positive for Covid can come back to work 10 days after symptoms first started, 72 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medicines, and symptoms have improved—whichever is longer. No further testing is necessary unless we as employers ask for it.
So, if I would have an employee that was ill and tested positive. He/she could tell me they were fever free three days ending within those 10 days come back to work. How do I know they are telling the truth? I’m not going to expose myself and temperature monitor them while they are home. How can that be my “right” to intrude?
Meanwhile, on other levels, we are hearing you need to have two negative tests, 24 hours apart to return to work.
Also, I’ve been told there will be no paperwork from a doctor or medical facility stating that the tests were done and they were negative.
Yet, there is a whole task force chasing down Covid patients harassing them to give the names of anyone they were in contact with. Apparently, Covid patients can be trusted to tell the truth to employers yet not trusted to notify others they were spending time with.
Which directive do you follow?
Fear driven and fear living people are A-OK with shutting down and sheltering yet will not raise their heads from the sand to see the impact on society (a fancy word to remove ourselves from the situation) from the severe regulations.
The fact that our food supply is in jeopardy, suicide, child/spousal abuse, alcohol/drug abuse is rising is ignored. It’s as if they were holding their fingers in their ears and “la, la,laing” so they don’t have to consider the risks. It’s just easier to be fearful and let others make decisions for them.
Now, once again, let me clarify. I TOTALLY understand the concern of those at greater risk. Age, underlying conditions etc. I agree, take extra precautions, be wise, do what is right for you. I even understand those who choose to live in fear because it’s easier. I will even go so far to wear a mask to help you feel more comfortable and safer. Yet, my thoughts and opinions should hold as much value as those who are driven by fear, who prefer to allow “experts” – once again that can’t even come together to agree. My beliefs should weigh as much as theirs on the scales of justice.
This is strictly my opinion. Slowly, the powers that be will “open” – which truly is giving back to you your rights they took away – over time. Once, they finally deem it is safe to return to the level of normal they want to allow, it will be “influenza” season once again and will require these “lifesaving” regulations to be brought back. Plus, a vaccine that hasn’t had enough time for testing will become the main objective. There will be pressure and probably shame if you don’t jump on the bandwagon. Maybe even prohibiting your ability to enter or take part in activities without one.
Just a thought here. What if we now, that it is slowing down, allow our own bodies to take over. Herd immunity. After all they are saying many of us are walking around with it and have no effects. And, yes some will continue to get sick and sadly some will die. Oh, that’s right, we can die of automobile accidents, drug/alcohol abuse, abortions, suicide, spousal/child abuse but “they” need to protect us from this particular virus.
The last I was aware of, we are governed by “We the People” not “they, those who think they know better.”