Everyone, well most farmers are hearing about a new government “bailout”, “Covid help” or whatever you want to call it.
In fact, there’s been pieces written about how certain farmers are “milking” it.
Will we participate?
You bet.
Do we want to have a bailout?
Not really.
What do farmers want?
Well, I can’t speak for all but for us and I would assume most farmers, we would just like to get paid for the value of the product we produce.
Some people will say this is just a handout. Like free money. I’d like to suggest that for the last 5 or 6 years we’ve been busting our tails for way less than break even. The last 5 years for us has not been farmer friendly in any area. Last month we lost $90,000 in income due to prices paid to us.
It’s comparable to manning a large boat with several on board that you are required to safely deliver. It starts out great. Everyone is getting along, the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing. Slowly, the winds kick up and the ship goes off course. Those on board are required to help row the boat because the engines died. You finally get them all to row in unison and then your boat springs a leak. You manage a way to plug up the leak and continue on course. Now the water is getting choppy and the rowers are getting seasick and falling like flies sprayed with bug killer. You work harder and keep the boat a rowing and another leak, and then the waves crash over. And when you’ve reached the end of your ability and strength a Coast Guard ship comes along and over the bull horn says they will bolster you, plug the holes and get you back on track.
Low milk prices, too much rain, not enough rain, breakdowns, employee issues, DEQ, regulations, etc. are all the leaks, sea sickness, failed engines of the boat story.
Farming – creating a quality, safe food product is an honorable profession that we take pleasure being a part of. Yet, when time after time we get beaten down it takes it toll. We can only find so many resources to continue.
So, while we really don’t want a handout, we need a lifeline. When the lifeline is tossed in our direction we will be reaching for and hanging on to get us back on course.
Meanwhile, those who partake of our product has little to no clue what it takes, how it works or what processes their food travels. For many their source of food ends at the grocery store.
So, if you hear someone talking about how the farmers are getting rich with a handout – free money, it’s lies. We have worked for years to earn what help we are receiving now. And, we consumers should be grateful – it keeps food on our tables, and prices affordable.
God bless the Farmers and those who partake of the blessings from the farm.