Ever have one of those days that you feel like God said “Here, you deserve a great day today”?
That was yesterday.
We’ve been working extremely hard at the farm getting the spring yard work done – mowing, weeding, planting flowers, trimming bushes, putting down fresh bark. We even dismantled an overgrown area and re did it. We – meaning my Daughter-in-law and me. We’ve busted our hineys these past couple of weeks.
Today was an easy day so to speak. And such a nice, joy filled day.
After a quick run to pick up a cow that aborted at a farm a mile south where we house some of our dry cows, we had a tour from a local church.
We had about 70 – kids, parents, and grandparents. It’s great fun watching the kids get excited and answering questions from the adults. We do farm tours for a few reasons. First, to show how God created this whole life cycle thing. To show that we care for our critters and to explain how and why things are done. And, to reassure food safety and concerns.
One of the adults gave us such a great compliment especially after working so hard the past couple of weeks. “Your farm looks like a golf course”. It was nice to hear. Does our farm always look this great? Nope – but we work hard at it. Sometimes getting the hay in takes all of us or employees go on vacation, and we must step in and do extra. But this time of the year we work hard at getting winter cleaned up and out the door.
The next round was a few visitors from Korea. They were here to see the Harvestore silos we have. They have a dairy farm of about 3500 and were contemplating purchasing more Harvetores and wanted to see an operation with multiple silos.
We had a short lull in the day where I got a few things caught up and then the best part. My grandson’s High School Graduation Open House.
Oh, the people we were able to visit with! All my kids were there and had the opportunity to catch up with so many. Bonus, my grandson who is in Ft. Benning in boot camp called and I was able to chat with him a bit. Miss him!
Out here people can live miles away and yet be your neighbors. We had fun catching up with them. A bank teller from our local bank, a career tech teacher that taught Son #1 and the Grandson, my Daughter-in-law’s extended family, past employees. It was a great day.
A past employee that I hadn’t seen in a few years came around the corner. It was a surprise how happy I was to see him. We had a great hug and he introduced me to his girlfriend as his second mom. He worked with us several years when he was still in school. He was frequently part of the shenanigans that took place. He said he missed our place so much.
I was sitting on the porch with a friend, and he said, “This is America, right here.” We were looking out at my son’s barn, cows in the field, little kids running around playing tag, tractors flying flags, adults scattered here and there eating and drinking. The murmur of voices, the tinkling sounds of the laughter, the occasional crowing of a chicken. The sun was shining and a beautiful slight breeze to tickle your face.
Looking around I had a God nudge. Of all the places in the world to be placed how is it he loved me so much to give me this? I realize there are some who will never experience this blessing. I realize there are some who have lost this. I also realize how hard we are working to keep this.
As I told someone on the tour earlier that day. “Farming isn’t easy. A whole lot of work for very little income. We are always trying to figure out how we will pay the bills, how to keep things working, how to pay our employees a good wage, how, how, how . . . Yet, God always provides.”
As long as God keeps us here, we will be here. If he chooses to move us, we will greatly miss what we have yet know that God will continue to provide in abundance.
So, yes, yesterday was a joy filled gift of a day to see family and friends. To sit a bit, overindulge in good food and to reflect. Come Monday it will be hit the floor running making hay and all that comes with it.
It was a good day to have a great day.