Cookbook Is Ready to Order!!
You know how when you remodel you run into “issues” and it always takes longer than you’d like? Well, that’s what is happening here with my revamp of the website.
My awesome IT guy is swamped with “real” work and is being so wonderful with trying to help me. So, we are still under construction but - THE COOKBOOK CAN BE ORDERED!
Just click on the picture to the right and it will direct you.
$15.00 for the cookbook - tax included
$3.95 for shipping and handling.
If you live nearby and want to pick it up, message me.
Oh, and one more thing. I apologize in advance for mistakes you may find. I proofed and proofed and proofed again - yet missed some things. I hope the deliciousness of the recipes make up for that.
Happy cooking and baking!!