Anyone who knows me knows I love Mike Rowe and listen to every podcast (The Way I Heard It) he and Chuck make. And if you are a fan of his you know he uses the phrase “way leads on to way” frequently. Only his “way leads on to way” ends like a Hallmark movie.
I have a “way leads on to way” that travels to the dark side.
It all started with me standing in the bucket of a tractor that Farmer was lifting to the eavestroughs. The same bucket that had been previously used at the farm for scooping, let’s say various product which may or may not include natural fertilizer. It was time to clean the gunk out of the eavestroughs. By the way if there is any company out there that really has fool proof, non clogging eavestroughs please consider donating them to me – if they work, I’ll promote then on my A Farm Wife page to all the 10s, 100s, or 1000s of followers I have depending on the day. I’m sure your sales will soar.
OK back to the “way leads on to way” part.
While scooping the gunk out of the eavestroughs by hand and dropping it into the bucket by my feet led to being splattered just like while moving a cow that unloads in front of me while standing in a puddle of poop. Only this didn’t smell.
Whilst balancing in the slippery gunk with a 40-foot-long snake of a hose that wanted nothing to do with being up that high nor pointing in the right direction to wash the gunk through the eavestrough there was splatterage everywhere. Me, the tractor, the outside of the eavestroughs, the siding, the windows and doors.
The splatterage lead to spraying off the house, windows, and doors. Everyone knows how dirty a window is after being gunked on and then sprayed with the water from the hose.
The spraying the windows led to washing the windows. And since I had all the paraphernalia out because some of the windows were too high to reach on solid ground, I decided to wash other outside windows.
Washing outside windows led to washing the inside of the windows because what’s the point of having clean outside when you can’t see through the fly poop and Max’s nose prints on the inside?
Cleaning the inside of the windows led to moving things away from the windows to reach them.
Moving items away from the windows led to having to clean where the said items were.
Back to the final outside window. The sliders on the back porch.
I try to pretty my porch with flowers. And I oh so carefully moved them out of the way for window washing.
Washing the slider windows led to squatting down to wipe the bottom of the window only to have my phone in my back pocket knock over a potted plant.
The knocked over potted plant led to having to sweep it up.
After cleaning up the plant carnage, while I was bringing in the window washing paraphernalia Max did his “sneaking behind my back and causing trouble” move.
The taking care of the window cleaning items led to Max bringing in a large clump of dirt. Which led to him chewing on it on the carpet.
Max chewing on the dirt led to having to vacuum the carpet.
And where is Farmer in all of this? Taking the tractor back across the road to the farm seemed to take him quite a long time. I think the window washing paraphernalia slowed him.
So, my way leads on to way has led me down a one-way street the wrong way.
Michael (as your mother calls you) you need to share both sides of the Way Leads on to Way story – you know the rest of the story.
I probably have a better chance of finding a diamond in my bathtub than having Mike Rowe see this. But, if you read this Mike, give me a holler, a wave, an email, a phone call . . . anything. Only you could turn my Way Leads on to Way – the dark side into a Hallmark Way Leads on to Way.
And now you’ve heard it.