This morning as Max and I walked we came to the area with the Gold Finches.
I delight in watching them. There must have been 12 – 15.
While watching them flap, flap, flap, glide, swoop, flap, flap, flap – I realized they fly differently than some other birds. They look like they are riding waves in the air. Up and down in a graceful curve. They flap for a few beats then tuck their wings back and glide for a few. And they are too creative to fly in a straight line. They fly in a pattern of pencil doodling while listening to something uninteresting.
I really haven’t gotten a good picture of them while on the road. They tease me and sit still until I’m about 5 feet away and then they flitter off.
I would never notice them if I would have been driving.
I would miss the wonderful aroma of the wildflower (weeds), the fields, the sky itself.
I would miss watching the distant rooftops disappear as the corn grows taller and hides them.
I would miss the beautiful sunbeams breaking through the tree leaves. They look like drawn sun swords.
I would miss my community that pass by on weekdays.
I would miss the satisfaction of hearing “1 mile” from my watch.
I would miss “discussing” with Max about proper speed and direction.
I would miss my singing – in my head, which is spot on and simply gorgeous.
I would miss the emotions I feel as I’m going down my list of blessings while thanking God.
Basically, I’d miss the wonders that God creates for us that we many times don’t see.
And I’d miss hearing God tell me how much he loves me – no matter how much I’ve screwed up.