Supporting the military has become personal.
This is my Grandson, my firstborn grandson from my firstborn son.
Little did I know when he was laying naked in my bay window, a scrawny newborn soaking up the sunshine that one day I would be dropping him off at a military base sending him off overseas to serve our country. That was one of my first thoughts as I knew Farmer and I would be driving him to Fort Custer.
Why did we drive him? If you know anything about the military you know it’s fluid, always changing. At the beginning of all this he was supposed to be home from special training Sept 3 -6. So, my son and daughter-in-law made plans for a weekend getaway with friends on the 23rd. But the departure date for Austin, my grandson, was changed to the 24th well after plans and reservations were made. There was talk of canceling the trip but one day difference wasn’t going to change him going so the plans stood and we were able to step in and help. Which I loved and hated at the same time.
How did we get from the naked baby in the window to this strong young man getting ready to defend our country? It took a blink of an eye.
He was an extremely strong-willed kid. He knew what he wanted and didn’t back down. He’s been shooting guns for years. Squirrels, rabbits, woodchucks, deer and more. Many a weekend he’s been target practicing in our sandpit. He’s taken private lessons before he entered the military, so I feel much more confident than if he was going overseas with just the little training he received. Our friend who trained him said he’s one of the best he’s had in his classes.
Austin is a calm steady guy. His faith in Jesus is strong and constant. He’s excited to serve his country.
I am so proud of this grandson of mine. Right after graduation he went to the police academy and interned for a year before deciding it wasn’t exactly right. He signed with the National Guard and has been in the service for two years now.
We were quite surprised when we were informed that he would be going overseas. Upon signing he was told he’d be here in the homeland defending our country.
I’m a writer and when he left for basic training two years ago, I wrote him a letter. When he left for specific training this summer I wrote him then – we didn’t know if he’d be home before leaving overseas. Now, he left for Fort Custer, then to Texas and beyond. We think he’s coming home for a few days before going overseas but, who knows. So, yet another letter. I’ve included it at the bottom.
I have this deep-seated peace that he’s going to be OK but oh my, the emotions that swell up and want to take over.
When we picked him up at his house, I fought tears. On the drive down, I fought tears. When we hugged goodbye, and he walked to the barracks I fought tears. When I got back in the car, I let them loose. All the way home. Trying not to cry for months is exhausting.
There were hundreds of other soldiers gathering at the barracks and goodbyes of all kinds taking place. I prayed over them all and their families.
This morning while walking Max the tears came. Loving someone comes with a lot of emotions and the presence of tears allows the pressure to lessen. You just never know when or where the valve will let loose, and tears escape like steam from the pressure cooker.
If you are a believer in God and the power of prayer, please pray for Austin. Please pray for all our military personnel and leadership.
I have little to no confidence in this administration and what it’s doing. It’s reckless, weak and in my opinion fumbling at every turn. But . . . but God. God is bigger, more powerful, and in control. So, my confidence lays with God, not the government.
When I had my cookie store, I had a poster on the wall and asked that those who were in the military or had loved ones or friends to please put their name on the board. I asked for prayer from those who read the names. I had several poster boards written on and every day before opening the store I would go back and pray over them all. Never thinking I’d have a grandson that could have his name added.
If you have a family member or friend in the military, please leave their name in the comments so we can pray for them.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Here is the last letter I sent Austin:
September 19, 2022
Dear Austin,
Another letter from Grama.
I like to write so you can read it again and hear the words in your head.
I want to fill you to overflowing with confidence in God’s ability to protect you, to lead you to prosper you. There is nothing you can do that God isn’t in the middle of. He loves you more than we can imagine. I know how much I love you and I can’t fathom anyone loving someone more than that, but our God is bigger and better at everything.
As you go on this next adventure know you are never alone. The God of the universe is beside you, in front of you, behind you and over all you do. And, he has some mighty big powerful angels charged to you and you alone.
I pray your relationship with God grows stronger every day. You may be the only Jesus some of the men you serve with will ever see. And, someday when we get to heaven you may meet one and will be shown that your relationship with them was the key to their salvation. I pray you will be a light to all of those you encounter.
I pray for favor for you with all you come in contact.
I am so very proud of you and how you live your life. I was telling someone about you today and I said you were steadfast and solid.
So, off you go in a few days, and we will be here praying for you every single day and more.
And, while we can’t be with you, we are in total confidence with the ONE who will be with you through everything.
I’m looking forward to when you will be home for good and hear all the ways God has blessed you.
Know I am ALWAYS available for ANYTHING you need.
Love you more than you know.