A few days ago, I left the farm and headed towards the great north part of Michigan.
I unplugged, packed, and said my good-byes to Farmer and the dogs. None of them seemed overly upset about my departure. Although I will say once the dogs figured it out, they missed me more than Farmer I think.
I traveled four hours alone in my car to a new destination. An adventure!
I was meeting up with childhood friends from my neighborhood and school buddies. Some I haven’t seen for over 50 years. A few I’ve bumped into while in Flint at my parents when I have been out and about.
Funny thing, though. Those 50 years melted away as each one of us arrived at our friend’s amazing house on amazing property.
There were 11 of us and the words that flew and bounced off the walls were in competition for the laughter. We talked about how we felt while in school, teachers, other friends. It’s amazing how some could remember names and knew what was going on in their lives.
We spent time together as a group and throughout the few days there were pockets of 3 and four chatting and laughing and then one pocket mixed with another or split off. I think by the time we left we all experienced all the different mini pods of friends that could have been created. You know the saying about “laughing so hard I peed my pants”? Well, let’s just say that was true for many. Our tears of laughter ran all the way down our legs.
The cheerleaders and popular girls had the same issues in life as the nerdy wall flowers. Titles and categories that seemed so important while in the walls of school were no more.
Some secrets about growing up were revealed to the surprise of some. Divorces were shared and discussed. New marriages were celebrated. Long standing marriages were among the group also.
Some health issues were common. Knees, hips, arthritis – all old age stuff. One had recently stood up to cancer and fought for her life with all she had. Thankfully she is tough enough and our God is big enough to conquer.
Kid and grandkid stories had some collective melodies to them.
And the talent that these women had in this house. Amazing! Our crafting projects will be the envy of all who come to our home and see them.
Our hostess set the bar high for hospitality. I’m fairly certain she will be number one on all our lists for a very long time.
My soul was refreshed and restored.
Memories were made. Some too special or too embarrassing to share.
Relationships became stronger.
Some say women are caddy and can’t get along. Well, we women in this time and space grew together in love.