Birthdays are more fun around the family dinner table. |
Sunday Dinner with the family is a frequent blessed event here. My easy go to meal when I am short on time or if I have a meeting after church is Beef Roast.
I throw potatoes and carrots right in with the meat and it all cooks together and when you walk in the door the aroma wraps itself around you.
Because I am cooking for 16, I have graduated from a roasting pan to a roaster/cooker.
For our family I used 9.5 pounds of chuck roast. I make rump roast, and other roasts this same way. |
Sprinkle the soup packets over top of the roast. |
Peel and cut into fourths, potatoes - I used 5 pounds. Throw in your carrots - we added 2 pounds. Add about an inch of water to the bottom of the pan. Cover and bake 325 for 3 - 4 hours depending on the size of your roast. |
Notice the yummy onion from the soup. |
These potatoes have enough beef flavor from the juice that you don't need gravy. |
You can make gravy with the dripping from the roast.
I have no idea what this is called, but it helps take the grease out of your gravy. Pour your meat drippings into the container. |
When you take the black stopper out, the grease floats to the top. |
Carefully pour the meat dripping into another pan. Watch the line where the grease and meat drippings meet. Stop pouring when the grease level is at the spout. This is what's left. |
Mix about 3 T of cornstarch with 1 C water. |
Heat your meat dripping on top of the stove. When it comes to a boil, whisk the cornstarch mix into the drippings. Mix and heat until thickened. |