One of our oldest cement silos stands in the shadow of a Harvestore built in the 1990s. |
The first two Harvestores in the picture below were built in 1960. The farm at that time was run by my father-in-law, Farmer's brother and Farmer - well sort of. He wasn't an adult but grew up working the farm.
From left to right - the first two were built in 1960 the next three in 1961 and the last blue silo was built in 1980. |
We added the Harvestore on the left in1978. Then the rest of the Harvestores from left to right were added in 1979, 1990's, 2002 and the final two were built in 2004.
For more in depth information on the Harvestores, capacity and etc. you can read this: /
This cement silo was built in late 1800's and stood by the barn that now stands behind my son's house. The barn was used for cattle and the white, cement, block building you see in the foreground was the milk house.
This is what the barn looks like now.
The years have been good to us. We are blessed beyond what we deserve. And, we work extremely hard to honor God for giving us this legacy.
Farmer is third generation and this wigglie could possibly be the fifth generation to tend the land of his family.