Preheat oven to 350°
Chop and roast about ¾ - 1 C pecans
While the pecans are roasting start your cookie dough.
Mix together:
1 ½ C softened butter – I use salted butter. If you use unsalted add about ½ t salt.
1 C sugar
1 ½ t vanilla
Add and mix slowly:
3 – 3 ½ C flour
You want a play dough kind of consistency – if you add too much it will be dry and crumble.
Roll into 1 ½ - 2 inch balls – I use a cookie scoop and then roll. I used the black handle scoop which equals 2 ounces I believe.
Beat together 2 eggs.
Roll the balls in the egg mixture and then in the chopped pecans.
Place on cookie sheet – I use parchment paper. It saves on clean up time.
Indent the cookies with the back of your cookie scooper or spoon.
Bake about 10 minutes.
Pull cookies out and press the middle of the cookie down again with spoon – it will puff up a little when baking and you want an indent for your caramel sauce.
Bake another 10 minutes until the edges start to brown a little.
Remove from oven and cool.
While the cookies are cooling, melt together on stove top:
1 bag of caramels – about 40
6 T whipping cream – not whipped
Mix together until blended.
Scoop a tablespoon or so of the caramel sauce into the indent of the cookie and sprinkle with coarse sea salt. You need to do it quickly or the sauce will harden. I did about 4 cookies with the sauce and then sprinkled those 4 and then did 4 more. If the sauce gets too hard you can warm it up.
Melt about 1 C chocolate chips with ½-1 T veg oil and mix well.
Drizzle over the salted caramel goodness.
Now try to resist eating them!