Where is Your Focus?

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I was watering my flowers and grumbling to myself. “Ughh the weeds and the flowers need to be deadheaded. Man, think of what they could look like if I wouldn’t have spent 4 hours mowing lawn and weed whacking, merging hay for 3 hours and then took another another 1 ½ hours going after parts yesterday.”

My grumblings trailed off with “there’s never enough time.”

Then I heard God – the way I hear him.

“You know Diane, instead of looking at the weeds, see the flowers. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like try concentrating on what you do like. There are a whole lot more flowers than weeds yet that’s where you are looking.”

Yep, he does things like that with me. Kinda snaps me back to the grateful place I should be living.

How about you.

Are you weed watching or flower gazing?

Who Chooses Normal?

Raking the Rocks