Raking the Rocks

Be like

You know how you have a couple of busy days that turn into a busy week that turns into a few busy weeks? You feel like you are trapped in a downhill roll, and you can’t find your feet to put down and stop? And yet, you do for a day and then all you see ahead of you is a steep hill that will start the roll again. All the loose gravel in front of you are important things that will cause the slip and the roll to start. This is not the way to live.

I’ve had nothing but slipping, sliding, and rolling down the hill for a solid three plus weeks and my elbows and knees are sore from hitting the ground as I roll.

And, for the most part every piece of gravel was important for a sound path. It just needed to be graded for solid ground.

Yesterday I took my aunt to see my mother. It was a 2-hour trip, spent the day, and then 2 hours home. It was well worth the time and effort. While I was there, I realized I have three things that need to be done on Tuesday all at the same time. And then there are 2 things on Wednesday. Thursday has another appointment. And squeezing in between all of that is bookwork, moving cattle and second cutting hay will be ready to merge, etc.

That realization was a large rock I hit that caused me to fall flat and address my skinned knees.

So, I rearranged one of the 3 things for Tuesday. I can manage the other two together and will make it an adventure. I totally removed the Wednesday morning item. Radio will be just fine without my segment this week.

With just two of several items raked away from my path makes the journey so much smoother.

I’m going to use my leaf rake – you know the light weight one and rake away as many insignificant stones as possible – like cleaning house. Do we really need a house this clean? Making meals – peanut butter and jelly will suffice for a while. Paid bills can be stacked for filing later. The weeds will wait, and I can dig through the basket of clean clothes for a pair of underwear – it doesn’t have to be folded and put away. All of this for at least a while until I get my footing and then can travel the gravel a bit better.

Are you spending all your time slipping and sliding in your daily life and not really getting your feet on solid ground?

Just removing a couple of rocks can make the journey smoother.

I’m going to try to find some grass covered paths on my trek through life. Maybe even some with a bench placed for a time to rest.

I’m going to be like Zeus and Max. Just lay in the grass a bit.

Happy travels!

Where is Your Focus?

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